Shrink Wrap Programs

Shrink wrap programs are training programs which we have already in place. Some minor modification may be required for it to be conducted for the organization.

The current courses that we have are:-

Duration Level Synopsis
2 Days Beginner

This course is intended for beginners or novices to business continuity management as its related fields. This course covers all 10 common bodies of knowledge associated to BCM. Participants will be provided practical examples when explaining the theories surrounding these bodies of knowledge.


  • BCP 105 : Business Continuity Management for Corporate Management
Duration Level Synopsis
3 hours Beginner

This course is intended for Top Management to better understand business continuity management as its related fields. This course covers the drivers of BCM, the benefits of implementing BCM, the people who should be involved in its implementation and the BCM Framework and its elements.


  • BCP 110 : Project Initiation and Control for a Business Continuity Project
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Beginner

This course is intended for BCM project managers or those who are involved in the BCM development process. This courses covers the buy-in process, the project scope and boundary establishment, the project team establishment, the project activities and time lines and the project control issues.


Duration Level Synopsis
2 Days Intermediate

This course covers 3 common body of knowledge namely Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis and Strategy Development. In this course the participants will be exposed to methodologies and techniques of conducting these activities and their resulting documents.


  • BCP 210 : Conducting an Enterprise Risk Assessment exercise
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course drills down to the nuts and bolts of designing and executing an enterprise wide risk assessment exercise. Participants will be involved in a group exercise of conducting a risk assessment exercise for an identified organization. The three key steps of data gathering, analysis and reporting will be explained and demonstrated.


Duration Level Synopsis
2 Days Basic / Intermediate

This course covers the A to Z of designing, developing, implementing and maintaining an IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Participants will be exposed to the processes involved in building an IT DR Framework and its respective elements. Processes such as testing, auditing and maintaining the DR framework will also be taught.


  • BCP 220 : Conducting an Enterprise Business Impact Analysis
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course focuses on conducting an enterprise wide business impact analysis. The participants will be involved a series of related exercises which we educate the participant in the techniques relating to data gathering, data analysis and report writing. These exercises will be based on an identified organization.


  • BCP 230 : Designing & Documenting an Enterprise BCM Framework
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course will educate the participants in designing and documenting relevant BCM strategies for an organization. These strategies will be implemented via the BCM Policy and BCM Operations Handbook. Participants will be required to participate in a group exercise which involves building a BCM Policy and Operations Handbook for an identified organizations.


Duration Level Synopsis
2 Days Intermediate

This course is designed to educate the participants in designing and documenting procedures relating to response, recovery, resumption, restoration and normalization. This course will explore the different types of documents involved in BCM such as crisis management, emergency response, business resumption and disaster recovery.


  •  BCP 310 : Documenting Emergency Response Plans
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course will show participants how to design, document and implement an emergency response plan that will cover some common emergencies such as fire, flood, bomb threat and tremor. This course will also cover issues of physical security, traffic control and triage.


  • BCP 320 : Documenting Crisis Management Plans
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course focuses on designing, documenting and implementing a crisis management plan for an organization. This course address the people issues, incident escalation, incident assessment and classification, crisis communication, command centre operations and welfare support during a disaster. We shall cover some common crisis situation such as product recall and a serious workplace accident.


  •  BCP 330 : Documenting Business Resumption Plans
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course explores the design, documentation and implementation of business resumption plans. Business resumption plans are procedures by business units / recovery teams to recover and resumption critical business operations in the event of a disaster. Participants will be given a group exercise to develop business resumption plans for an identified organization.


  • BCP 340 : Documenting Disaster Recovery Plans
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Intermediate

This course focuses on response and recovery plans for IT services. This course looks at system recovery plans, application recovery plans, database recovery plans and network recovery plans. Participants will be given a group exercise to develop these plans for an identified organization.


  •  BCP 350 : Establishing a suitable Recovery Facility
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Advanced

This course explores the various processes involved in establishing and operating a Recovery Facility. Participants will be taught the key issues relating to site selection and the minimum criteria for a recovery facility. Participants will also be exposed to several standards relating to recovery facilities establishment and operations.


  •  BCP 400 : Establishing a BCM Maintenance Program
Duration Level Synopsis
2 Days Advanced

This course explores the processes involved in maintaining an organization wide BCM program. The participants will be exposed to methods and techniques in educating and training an organization, conducting testing and exercises of the plan, review and auditing of the BCM program and on benchmarking and gap assessment.


  •  BCP 410 : Establishing a BCM Education / Training Program
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Advanced

This course looks at conducting a skill set review of the BCM players and developing a suitable education and training program for all members of the organization.


  •  BCP 420 : Establishing a BCM Testing / Exercising Program
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Advanced

This course looks at the various testing / exercising techniques and establishing a program that will both gauge the readiness level of the organization as well as help the various groups involved in BCM to be better ready for adverse situation.


  •  BCP 430 : Conducting a BCM Framework Review
Duration Level Synopsis
1 Day Advanced

This course looks at the process of verifying the relevance of the BCM Framework. Participants will be taught the techniques of conducting this review and the key areas which needs to be inspected and validated. The areas discussed include people, data, infrastructure, processes, policies, strategies and procedures.