BCM Framework Audit


There are many elements which make up an organization’s BCM Framework. This includes the Policy, Processes & Guidelines, Resources (People, Data, Plans) and Infrastructure ( Facilities, Networks, Systems, Environmental, Equipment)

Our BCM Framework Audit is done in a top down basis as the strategic policies determine the operational procedures which in turn determine the tactical procedures.

Service Modules

We offer two types of BCM Framework Audit:-

  • Fast Track Audit – conduct over a 1 to 2 weeks period via interviews and document reviews. A report will be providing with an overall rating awarded for Business Continuity Readiness of the organization.
  • Comprehensive Audit – detailed review and validation of each audit areas will be conducted. Through investigation of all documentation, recovery site and support infrastructure will be done by qualified people. Interviews with recovery team leaders and top management will be conducted. A detailed audit report will be presented to top management with recommendations for improvement.

Call us for more information.